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Quotes about Meaning of Life

    "You don't become happy by pursuing happiness.  You become happy by living a life that means something."

    “You don’t become happy by pursuing happiness.  You become happy by living a life that means something.”

      “Every piece of the universe, even the tiniest little snow crystal, matters somehow. I have a place in the pattern, and so do you.” ~ T.A. Barron

        ‎”Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves like locked rooms and like books that are written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will find them gradually, without noticing it, and live along some distant day into the answer.” ~ Rainer Maria Rilke

          “‘Life’s too short’ is repeated often enough to be a cliche, but this time it’s true. You don’t have enough time to be both unhappy and mediocre. It’s not just pointless, it’s painful. Instead of wondering when your next vacation is, maybe you ought to set up a life you don’t need to escape from.” ~ Seth Godin, Tribes

            “Many people are starting to realize that they work a lot and that working on stuff they believe in (and making things happen) is much more satisfying then just getting a paycheck and waiting to get fired (or die).” ~ Seth Godin, Tribes

              "Money will never make you happy if you are an unhappy person." ~ Robert Kiyosaki

              “Money will never make you happy if you are an unhappy person.” ~ Robert Kiyosaki

                Nobody ever figures out what life is all about, and it doesn't matter.

                  ‎”The wealthiest places on Earth are cemeteries. The dead lying in those graves had dreams and desires that will never be fulfilled, businesses that weren’t started and relationships that never were formed.  It is up to us not to bury that potential we have.” – Bill Rancic

                  Two Tramps in Mud Time

                    Out of the mud two strangers came
                    And caught me splitting wood in the yard,
                    And one of them put me off my aim
                    By hailing cheerily “Hit them hard!”
                    I knew pretty well why he had dropped behind
                    And let the other go on a way.
                    I knew pretty well what he had in mind:
                    He wanted to take my job for pay.

                    Good blocks of oak it was I split,
                    As large around as the chopping block;
                    And every piece I squarely hit
                    Fell splinterless as a cloven rock.
                    The blows that a life of self-control
                    Spares to strike for the common good,
                    That day, giving a loose my soul,
                    I spent on the unimportant wood.

                    The sun was warm but the wind was chill.
                    You know how it is with an April day
                    When the sun is out and the wind is still,
                    You’re one month on in the middle of May.
                    But if you so much as dare to speak,
                    A cloud comes over the sunlit arch,
                    A wind comes off a frozen peak,
                    And you’re two months back in the middle of March.

                    A bluebird comes tenderly up to alight
                    And turns to the wind to unruffle a plume,
                    His song so pitched as not to excite
                    A single flower as yet to bloom.
                    It is snowing a flake; and he half knew
                    Winter was only playing possum.
                    Except in color he isn’t blue,
                    But he wouldn’t advise a thing to blossom.

                    The water for which we may have to look
                    In summertime with a witching wand,
                    In every wheelrut’s now a brook,
                    In every print of a hoof a pond.
                    Be glad of water, but don’t forget
                    The lurking frost in the earth beneath
                    That will steal forth after the sun is set
                    And show on the water its crystal teeth.

                    The time when most I loved my task
                    The two must make me love it more
                    By coming with what they came to ask.
                    You’d think I never had felt before
                    The weight of an ax-head poised aloft,
                    The grip of earth on outspread feet,
                    The life of muscles rocking soft
                    And smooth and moist in vernal heat.

                    Out of the wood two hulking tramps
                    (From sleeping God knows where last night,
                    But not long since in the lumber camps).
                    They thought all chopping was theirs of right.
                    Men of the woods and lumberjacks,
                    The judged me by their appropriate tool.
                    Except as a fellow handled an ax
                    They had no way of knowing a fool.

                    Nothing on either side was said.
                    They knew they had but to stay their stay
                    And all their logic would fill my head:
                    As that I had no right to play
                    With what was another man’s work for gain.
                    My right might be love but theirs was need.
                    And where the two exist in twain
                    Theirs was the better right–agreed.

                    But yield who will to their separation,
                    My object in living is to unite
                    My avocation and my vocation
                    As my two eyes make one in sight.
                    Only where love and need are one,
                    And the work is play for mortal stakes,
                    Is the deed ever really done
                    For Heaven and the future’s sakes.

                    ~ Robert Frost

                      “The inspiration of a noble cause involving human interests wide and far, enables men to do things they did not dream themselves capable of before, and which they were not capable of alone.  The consciousness of belonging, vitally, to something beyond individuality; of being part of a personality that reaches we know not where, in space and time, greatens the heart to the limit of the souls ideal, and builds out the supreme character.” ~ Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain

                        “To every man there comes in his lifetime that special moment when he is figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered a chance to do a very special thing, unique to him and fitted to his talents.  What a tragedy if that moment finds him unprepared or unqualified for the work which would be his finest hour.” ~ Sir Winston Churchill

                          “I know this now.  Every man gives his life to what he believes.  Every woman gives her life for what she believes.  Sometimes people believe in little or nothing, and so they give their lives to little or nothing…” ~ Joan of Arc

                            “I am no longer a young man filled with energy and vitality.  I’m given to meditation and prayer.  I would enjoy sitting in a rocker, swallowing prescriptions, listening to soft music, and contemplating the things of the universe.  But such activity offers no challenge and makes no contribution.  I wish to be up and doing.  I wish to face each day with resolution and purpose.  I wish to use every waking hour to give encouragement, to bless those whose burdens are heavy, to build faith and strength of testimony.  It is a presence of wonderful people which stimulates the adrenaline.  It is the look of love in their eyes which gives me energy.” ~ Gordon B. Hinckley, Age Ninety-Two

                              “You’re not going to find the meaning of life hidden under a rock written by someone else.  You’ll only find it by giving meaning to life from inside of yourself.” ~ Dr. Robert Firestone

                                “Every man has a purpose, something special that he can do better than anyone else. Your work is to discover this, then give yourself to it. The extent to which you use your skills to add to the world determines your happiness.” ~ Deepak Chopra

                                  “People want to be recognized.  They want to be celebrated in some way.  They want to be made to feel as if they really do count for something.  And they want a place where they can belong in the community that stands for something more than just an enterprise that makes money.” ~ Martin Coles, Starbucks International President

                                    “The miracle is not to walk on water. The miracle is to walk on the green earth, dwelling deeply in the present moment and feeling truly alive.” ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

                                      “People say that what we are seeking is meaning for life. I don’t think this is what we’re really seeking. I think what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive.” ~ Joseph Campbell

                                        “It is doubtful anyone of us will ever have it all figured out, knowing exactly what is right and wrong in each and every circumstance. But this life is too vast, too open, and too messy to be so easily deciphered and conquered. What we can hope for, and what we can accomplish, is to garner a deeper understanding and appreciation for this life, and through continued questioning and investigation live honorably.” ~ Jacob M. Held, Dr. Seuss and Philosophy

                                          “Adhere to your purpose and you will soon feel as well as you ever did. On the contrary, if you falter, and give up, you will lose the power of keeping any resolution, and will regret it all your life.” ~ Abraham Lincoln

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